How To Stop a Dog From Chewing Furniture

stop dog chewing on furniture

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Chewing is a common behavior in dogs, especially when they are young or anxious. While it can be frustrating for pet owners, especially when they are chewing furniture, it is important to remember that this behavior is instinctive for dogs and can serve a variety of purposes

For example, chewing can help dogs clean their teeth, relieve anxiety, and promote healthy jaw development.

Despite the benefits of chewing, we definitely don’t want them to be damaging to our household objects, including furniture. In order to protect your furniture from a dog’s chewing, there are several steps you can take. Read on to see how to stop your dog from chewing furniture!

stop dog chewing on furniture

Why Do Dogs Chew Furniture?

When I moved into my first home and was picked by my very first rescue dog, Jasmine, I was so excited to bring her home. She came from a kill shelter in Orlando and was listed as a pit/boxer mix, and was the sweetest girl ever.

She did come with a few bad habits, though. Namely her absolute struggle to learn to potty outside, and her fascination with chewing baseboards! I wanted to learn why she was chewing on things she shouldn’t be.

Why Do Dogs Start Chewing Furniture?

Dogs chew on furniture for a variety of reasons. One common reason is that chewing can be a natural and healthy way for dogs to clean their teeth and promote healthy jaw development.

Chewing can also help to relieve anxiety and boredom in dogs, and can provide them with a sense of satisfaction and mental stimulation.

Additionally, some dogs may chew on furniture as a way to explore their environment or to satisfy their curiosity. This can be especially common in puppies, who are still learning about the world around them and may be inclined to chew on anything they come into contact with.

In some cases, chewing on furniture may also be a sign of underlying behavioral problems, such as separation anxiety or lack of proper training.

In these cases, it is important to work with a veterinarian or dog trainer to address the underlying cause of the behavior and find ways to prevent it from continuing.

stop dog chewing on furniture picture of beagle chewing toy

Steps To Stop Your Dog From Chewing on Furniture

First, it is important to provide your dog with plenty of appropriate chewing toys. These can include chew bones, rubber toys, and chew treats that are specifically designed for dogs.

By offering your dog these types of toys, you can redirect their chewing behavior away from your furniture and onto something that is safe for them to chew on.

We’re huge fans of everything KONG, especially their Classic Dog Toy. It’s a great way to keep your dog entertained and gives them something durable to chew on that’s safe and appropriate.

It’s important to supervise your dog when they are chewing on a toy. This will allow you to monitor their behavior and make sure that they are not chewing on anything that they shouldn’t be.

If you catch your dog chewing on something they shouldn’t, such as a piece of furniture, you can quickly intervene and redirect their behavior onto a more appropriate chew toy.

One to train your dog to stop chewing on inappropriate objects. This can be done through a combination of positive reinforcement and redirection. For example, if you catch your dog chewing on a piece of furniture, you can immediately say “no” and redirect them a chew toy as an alternative.

When they go for their toys first, reward them with treats and praise. Over time, your dog will learn that chewing on furniture is not allowed, but chewing on their toys is rewarded.

What If My Dog Is Chewing Furniture Due to Anxiety?

It’s so important to address any underlying causes of your dog’s chewing behavior. For example, if your dog is chewing on furniture because they are anxious or bored, it is important to work on these issues to prevent the behavior from continuing.

This may involve providing your dog with more mental and physical stimulation, such as increasing their regular exercise, providing more interactive toys like dog puzzles, or seeking the help of a veterinarian or dog trainer to address any underlying behavioral problems.

How To Prevent Damage To Furniture From Your Dog

Training a dog not to chew on furniture isn’t an overnight miracle. It’s best to take steps to protect your furniture from your dog’s chewing by using deterrents while working on training.

These can include products such as bitter apple spray, which can be applied to the surface of furniture to make it taste unpleasant to your dog. You can also use physical barriers, such as gates or crates, to prevent your dog from accessing certain areas of your home where they may be tempted to chew on furniture.

Crate training is a perfect option for preventing your dog from chewing furniture while you’re at work or away from home. Dogs need to feel comfortable and have a den-like place to retreat when overwhelmed, and a crate becomes their safe space.

Plus, it keeps them from injuring themselves while chewing on wood while you’re out.

Protecting your furniture from a dog’s chewing behavior can be challenging, but it is possible with the right approach.

By providing your dog with appropriate chew toys, supervising their behavior, training them to stop chewing on inappropriate objects, addressing any underlying causes of the behavior, and using deterrents, you can help prevent your dog from damaging your furniture and keep your home safe and intact.

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